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Subscribe to prayer texts during an emergency by texting PRAYER to 64059.

During an emergency we pray for those affected and in solidarity with our partners. Our texts will alert you to the situation and link to a prayer for the people affected.

This text subscription applies to future emergencies, but you can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to 64059.

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Current emergencies

Prayer for Sudan

We ask the Lord to open the paths of peace as we pray for the people of Sudan who are facing conflict and hunger.

May we reach out in love

A prayer for the millions of families, especially those in East Africa, who are facing a food crisis that could be worse than any we've lived through.


Support our Emergency Response Team

The Emergency Response Team is funded by our loyal regular donors who have chosen to specifically support our emergencies work.

Many humanitarian situations can escalate quickly so having regular donations that we can depend on gives us the flexibility and agility we need to respond and react to emergencies whenever they strike.

Use these prayers when an emergency strikes. Whether it is an earthquake, flooding, cyclone, typhoon or other disaster, hold all those affected in your prayers.

Prayer for help

A prayer to God in times of distress, this is particularly suited for use after a natural disaster.

You journey with us

A prayer that can be used in times of emergency or crisis. It is about our journey with God who is present in all people we meet.

For the long haul

This prayer can be adapted for any ongoing emergency situation, especially once the media has moved on.

Sorrowful mysteries: for consolation

As we offer these sorrowful mysteries, we pray for consolation for all in our world who are affected by conflict, natural disaster, hunger, thirst and fear.


Emergencies and disasters

Help people survive whenever and wherever disaster strikes.